Galaxy "Andromeda" Release 1703
We are pleased to announce the availability of Galaxy "Andromeda" Release 1703.This release contains the following enhancements and new features along with various bug fixes:
Modified the behavior of range checking command field values so floating-point values like NaN will be rejected unless explicitly allowed.
Updated the record compiler to do additional validation on applyWhen conditions to verify that the field being referenced can support the value defined.
Modified PKTDUMP and TFDUMP so they do not display header or trailer bytes in the raw data display by default.
Added evt_ascii_logging.proc to support automatic daily ASCII logs.
Improved the behavior of the record compiler so as to allow any characters between the opening and closing tags of a documentation block.
Added a s the Record Language User's Guide to include a section on end-item verification.
Added support for keep-alive arguments to the STOL OPEN directive.
Added galaxy, galaxy_daemon, galaxy_context, and galaxy_run scripts alongside the equivalent itos, itos_daemon, itos_context, and itos_run scripts.
Updated the galaxy and galaxy_context scripts (and the legacy itos equivalents) so they will not leave processes lingering if Galaxy exits unexpectedly.
Removed sourcenamehdr from the default packet wrapper list for the telemetry subsystem (the itos.tlm.default_pkt_wrappers mnemonic).
Added support for the Ballard Technologies 1553 devices to the Galaxy 1553 Bus Controller and Remote Terminal applications.
Improved the TelemetrySimulatorComponent so it continues to send packets if automatic generation is enabled even if it receives a sending error from a downstream component.
Added the ability to set a field in a telemetry packet by referencing the mnemonic which the field populates in the TelemetrySimulatorComponent.
Increased the buffer size for a statement within a CFGMON to 8191 characters and fixed a bug that truncated statements longer than the limit without issuing a warning.
Added an example CFS configuration to the examples directory.
Added support for the TCP_NODELAY option to the ClientSocketComponent and ServerSocketComponent.
Updated the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 kickstart files to include kerberos packages needed by SSSD as one some installs they are not correctly installed as dependencies.
Improved the behavior of STOL so that procedures participate with the flow-control capabilities of the graph framework. This means that rather than retrying on a 1-second interval, STOL will retry when the destination graph indicates it is ready.
Added the ability to run a STOL procedure when quitting Galaxy.
Added a timeout argument to the STOL SYSTEM directive to allow the directive to timeout when running in a proc using the blocking behavior.
Added a new BundleProtocolPacketizerComponent that packetizes an input data stream using the Bundle Protocol (RFC 5050).
Added a new AddCommandComponent that supports prepending and appending a configured command onto any buffer received by the component.
Added the ability to specify the protocol annotation that is applied to buffers that are processed by the PacketsAsCommandsComponent.
Added the ability to pad out the calculation buffer used by an XorChecksum record to a even n-byte boundary based on the widthInBytes property.
Changed the method in which the GMSEC adapters are built and linked so the required GMSEC libraries can be located anywhere on the system.
Reduced the severity of the unused conversion message in telemetry page displays from WARNING to DEBUG so they are no longer displayed by default in the event viewer.
Added the ability to normalize the output of the STOLASCIICommandRewriterComponent.
Updated the documentation for telemetry pages and PKTDUMP to include more information about using X Windows system resources to alter the behavior and look.
Increased the maximum number of tagged mnemonics allowed to 300,000.
Improved the BufferTestingComponent so it updates the buffer_string status mnemonic on change instead of on a timed interval.
Added the ability to filter the number of packets sent to the decom process. The proc tlm_set_output_filter.proc is included to simplify using the filtering mechanism. The telemetry statistics documentation has been updated to include references to the new status mnemonics associated with the filtering mechanism.
The packet-level validationErrors status mnemonic is now cleared when a ZERO directive is issued.
Improved the Schedule Executor documentation so as to clarify the ITOS_PROC_... command and provide an example.
Added the ability to enable/disable telemetry packet validation on a per-packet basis. The enable/disable state is only read when acquiring a station and can not be changed while running. The state is controlled by the enableValidation control mnemonic associated with the telemetry packet.
Added auto-generated local mnemonics to a running PROC that provide the PROC name and fully-qualified file name. See the START directive for the details.
Added the ability to specify the protocol annotation when using the RAW directive. A default protocol annotation can also be configured by setting the itos.stol.default.raw_protocol mnemonic.
Added QUERY and RESET options to the NAMESPACE directive.
Added the ability to set the namespace in the CCSDSLoadBuilderComponent in order to provide better commonality between a load file and a Galaxy context in which it is used. The namespace is used to look up the commands used in the load file.