Stars "Arcturus" Release 2310
We are pleased to announce the release of Stars “Arcturus” 2310, which includes the following features in addition to minor bug fixes:
Migrated to PostgreSQL 15.
Added scripts to partition the LTTDATA and SEGMENTS tables in PostgreSQL.
Added ability to display min and max range gridlines.
Added additional query parameter to service. Exposed using checkbox on Request screen.
Updated the API to accept requests either for tags based on an event type or on a specific event description. Updateed plotting software to create tags. Added the ability to optionally shade the tagged events.
Added text "Plot points reduced" to graph if not all points are displayed.
Streamlined the installation and upgrade of Stars. Create two scripts: one for Stars, and one for the configuration of Mercury for Stars. Integrated new scripts into build and updated documentation.
Updated the Ruby gems specified in the Stars portal to specify the major version for all production gems but not require a specific minor version or patch for any gem. Upgraded to newer versions of gems where possible.
Added configuration to expose /var/stars/public in the Stars portal. Menu text and URL are configurable as long as URL doesn't conflict with Portal urls (/stars/...). This allows users to distinguish between no-data cases (empty file vs bad file) and so better manage nightly reports (and automation).
Added a check of transaction ID age to LTT daemon. Shuts down daemon and displays notice in portal indicating which tables need to be vacuumed if threshold is exceeded. Made additional improvements to the LTT daemon.
Added a new property in site-config.yml to allow for deleting temporary files immediately; download files after 12 hours.
Updated the jobs table with data on total number of segments and the total number of samples ingested for telemetry ingests. The jobs table contains identifying information plus the status/outcome and the scheduled_at, started_at, and completed_at times.
Created a new log table to track request statistics with fields: username, start_request, start_report_generation, start_plot_generation, complete_file_creation, format, reduction, mnemonics, mnemonic_properties, data_start, data_stop, report_rows, bytes. The table also has generated fields: spec_duration, report_duration, plot_duration, total_duration.
Added a column to the mnemonics table which tracks the number of times a mnemonic is included in report or plot requests.
Added a configuration parameter to site-config.yml. to control the verbosity of the Stars injector plugin. Valid values are "quiet", "nominal", "verbose", "debug", "fine", finer", and "finest".
When using the events to plot data, created second x-axis at top with axis label listing the event type.