Galaxy Release 8.20.0
We are pleased to announce the availability of Galaxy Release 8.20.0. This release contains the following new features along with bug fixes:
Added support for the NAMESPACE argument to the START directive.
Added support to provide a file listing the expected sequence number gaps to quicklooklz.
Added support to provide a file listing the expected packet size to quicklooklz so packets with a differing length can be omitted from the generated product.
Added Graph records named itos.graphs.scsim, itos.graphs.labsim, itos.graphs.command, and itos.graphs.simple to the ITOS-provided record files. These graphs provided basic functionality without a user needing to create a Graph record (they are also used for training purposes).
Added an close_sim_loop PROC file that can be run with the itos.graphs.scsim Graph record.
Added support for dropping questionable quality packets from being processed by decom with the qualityBehavior control mnemonic in a StandardTelemetrySource record. The questionable quality conditions that will be dropped are listed in the StandardTelemetrySource record documentation.