Galaxy "Andromeda" Release 2304
We are pleased to announce the release of Galaxy “Andromeda” 2304 which includes the following features along with various bug fixes:
Modified CCSDSDataLinkSecurityComponent so the additional authenticated data includes the virtual channel ID, segment header (if present), and the security header except for the initialization vector.
Added the new external type RTIME41.
Added new CryptographicComponent to the graph component library. The component encrypts and decrypts CLTUs with AES-256 CCM.
Added the encryptor program to encrypt CLTUs in the same manner as the CryptographicComponent. The application is licensed and run indpendently of Galaxy.
Added galaxy_text_tlm program as a replacement for the now-deprecated itos_ascii_tlm and itos_ascii_nv_tlm. See galaxy_text_tlm.
Changed Galaxy licensing to new technology. Previously-issued license keys are incompatibile with this and future Galaxy releases.
Removed support for the GDP BSM-202 bit synchronizer device.
Added graph components:
BufferAggregatorComponent aggregates buffers recevied on its input into a single output buffer of a given maximum size. Output buffer also is constrained by the number of input buffers and a timeout.
CCSDSEncapsulationComponent wraps its input buffer in a CCSDS Encapsulation Packet (version 8 packet). It also is capable of stripping the Encapsulation Packet header from an input buffer.
CCSDSSpacePacketWrapperComponent wraps its input buffer in a CCSDS Space Packet.
PadBufferComponent pads its input buffer to a given boundary --- typically 2, 4, or 8 but not restricted --- using a given byte value.
ReverseBitsComponent reverses the bits in each byte of its input buffer.
TCPConvergenceLayerProtocolComponent speaks a basic version of the TCP Convergence Layer Protocol defined in RFC 7242.
Also upgraded the BundleProtocolPacketizerComponent to handle version 7 of the Bundle Protocol by parsing input CBOR.
Added to the CCSDSTMtransferFrameComponent a timeout after which it will emit a partially-filled frame with a fill packet.