Mercury “Ailey” Release 2305
We are pleased to announce the availability of Mercury Release 2305 which includes the following features along with various bug fixes:
Tested and now supported on RHEL 8 using the OS-default PostgreSQL 13.
Improved error reporting when a copy, link, move, process or pull fails.
Upgraded from Log4j version 1 to Log4j2.
Added new software licensing technology; a license is required to run the central agent.
Added a version table to track the database schema version and the installed model's mission and version.
Refactored systemd support. Existing /etc/init.d/dms-*, /etc/init.d/mercury-*, and /etc/systemd/system/mercury-* files should be deleted.
Replaced /etc/mercury configuration files with /var/mercury configuration files.
Property names beginning with dms are deprecated and will be removed in a future release; names beginning with mercury should be used instead.
Default naming conventions for agent logs was improved.