Galaxy “Andromeda” Release 2103
Added support for an environment variable named ITOS_DP_SERVER_DYNAMIC_PORT which can be specified in itosrc and itoscontextrc files to specify the port that the datapoint server uses.
Added the ability to provide a byte offset to the SCS Compiler which will be used to determine the fields that will appear when generating the load report.
Added a t@ operator in STOL to access the timestamp value associated with a mnemonic.
Added more graceful handling of bad input to landsat_ssoh_helper.
Changed the FILE_RECEIVED_DATE in the cfdp_status_report section of the COMREP to use the value of the file start time.
Removed the unused active_interval_incomplete_view from the LFAT database.
Added a allcmnems application which can be used to print out information about defined commands.